Imitate one note

Remember! Each step of the major scale has it's own feel to it.

The goal of these exercises is to get very familiar with the notes/steps of the major scale.

To get you familiar with this type of exercise start with the 2 note exercise.
The 2-note file will play either a C half-note or a D half-note.
You should play the same note on your instrument directly afterwards and before the next note.

The file names tell you what notes are used, how many notes in the file and what tempo/speed the exercise is played at.
Faster tempi have lower number so the file
will play faster than

Both of the above files will play 20 notes, A, B or C (step 6, 7 and 1), for you to imitate.

Start at slowest tempo!!

Every mistake you make will make your ear and fingers confused...
... so when mistakes happen, slow down, take a break and/or work some more on easier exercises
on easier exercises (3 note instead of 4 note exercise)