Recognizing/imitating steps of the major scale, 2 at a time.

These exercises can be seen as preparatory exercises for working with
the Functional Ear Trainer Software.

The midi files here will play short "random melodies/scale phrases".
Each phrase will be played twice.
The first time you listen and decide which phrase it is
and the second time you should play along on your instrument.
Listen carefully to the feel of the second note of the phrase.
Your goal is to know immediately what step of the scale it is.
The phrases will be constructed like this
  1. A C note as the root (1st step) of a major scale.

  2. A note on another step of the scale. Depending on which 2 steps you are working this note will be:
    In the 3 and 4 files either an E (3rd step) or an F (4th step) above the C root.
    In the 5 and 6 files either a G (5th step) or an A (6th step) below the C root.
    In the 2 and 7 files either a B (7th step) below the C root or a D (2nd step) above the C root.

  3. The note just played again, followed by notes on scale steps back to the C/Root/1st step.
    If the note just played was F (4th step) then F, E, D and C will be played.
    If the note just played was G (5th step) then G, A, B and C will be played.
    If the note just played was D (2nd step) then D, D (D played twice) and C will be played.