Figure out chords X
Here is another but more complex example of a "figure out chords lesson"
The song is "Islands In The Stream" by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.
This song is interesting in a number of ways:
  1. It is one of very few major key songs that does not use the 5 chord.
  2. It uses chords that use notes that are not present in the song's key:
    4m = minor chord instead of major on the 4th step of the scale.
    b6 Major = major chord on the lowered 6th step.
    For example: In the key of D a Bb major chord.
  3. It changes key after the first chorus, showing the power of the number system.

This is a pdf with cells for writing the chords.

As you can see there are more information in this pdf than just the cells to write chords.
  1. There are time indications, to help you find the different places in the song.
    These are relative to where the song starts in my .wav-file (it starts at 0:02,1).
    In this particular pdf they indicate the downbeat one bar ahead
    of the next part or the next line. For example:
    The time 0:09,2 is downbeat one bar ahead of the beginning of the first verse.
    The time 1:15,1 is downbeat one bar ahead of the second line of the chorus.
  2. The numbers of the chords used are in the second column from the right.
    You are supposed to enter the actual chord namn in the first column from the right.
    Depending on the students experience these might be given or not.

So, get the song and get to work...
Obviously you will also need more knowledge, skill or guidance than you got
from the Björnen Sover lesson to finish this one....
Some lessons from me, maybe?