Most famous guitar riff by Deep Purple

This classic riff is made up of 12 notes.
I have observed quite a few different ways that this riff is played.
My version here is simplified and adjusted for a beginning guitarist.
All the notes should be played on the third string (G-string).
Play the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th note with your index finger.
Play the 3rd, 6th, 7th and 10th note with your ring finger.
When you have mastered this version play the same thing/frets on both the third
and the fourth string and you will play very close to the original recording.

There are 8 files to work with here.
As always: listen first until you know what it should sound like.
  1. First 3 notes
  2. First 5 notes
  3. The last 5 notes (8 - 12)
  4. All notes except the tricky 6th and 7th
  5. First 6 notes
  6. First 7 notes
  7. The whole riff played 12 times at 80 BPM
  8. The whole riff played 12 times at 100 BPM